About the Author
Hi, I’m Terri.
I’m the author and creator of A Yielded Heart.
I’m an ordinary woman.
I was born and raised in eastern North Carolina, in the city of Greenville. I am a wife and mother of four—one daughter and three sons. We have lived in the Cincinnati area since 2017. I work full-time in the pharmaceutical industry as a clinical research professional. Like most women, I also have many other special roles: daughter, sister, friend, auntie… But my most important role (my true identity) is being a child of God, saved by grace through faith in Christ.
I serve an extraordinary God.
I surrendered my life to Christ in 1999 at the age of 25 and have been walking with Him ever since. When I began to devote more time to really studying (not just passively reading) the Scriptures, God’s Word truly became a light for my path. I fell in love with God and His Word. It was like taking a deep dive each day into an ocean of treasures and coming up EACH TIME with something eternally precious.
I write what God’s Word has spoken to me and provided wisdom and direction on for so many different circumstances and seasons in my own life. A Yielded Heart is a place to share these lessons learned and to encourage you to prayerfully search the Scriptures for yourself and live your life according to God’s Word. If you'd like to learn more about what I believe, I invite you to read my Personal Statement of Faith.
I pray that through these writings, you receive encouragement and motivation to stay wholeheartedly yielded to God, obeying His Word no matter what is going on in and around you.
Hi, I’m Terri.
I’m the author and creator of A Yielded Heart.
I’m an ordinary woman.
I was born and raised in eastern North Carolina. I am a wife and mother of four—one daughter and three sons. We have lived in the Cincinnati area since 2017. I work full-time in the pharmaceutical industry as a Clinical Trials Manager. Like most women, I also have many other special roles: daughter, sister, friend, auntie… But my most important role (my true identity) is being a child of God, saved by grace through faith in Christ.
I serve an extraordinary God.
I surrendered my life to Christ in 1999 at the age of 25 and have been walking with Him ever since. When I began to devote more time to really studying (not just passively reading) the Scriptures, God’s Word truly became a light for my path. I fell in love with God and His Word. It was like taking a deep dive each day into an ocean of treasures and coming up EACH TIME with something eternally precious.
I write what God’s Word has spoken to me and provided wisdom and direction on for so many different circumstances and seasons in my own life. A Yielded Heart is a place to share these lessons learned and to encourage you to prayerfully search the Scriptures for yourself and live your life according to God’s Word.
I pray that through these writings, you receive encouragement and motivation to stay yielded to God, obeying His Word, no matter what is going on in and around you.